Founder’s Story

My name is Carina Grossman, and I'm the 16-year-old founder of The Bitten Project, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting teens fighting Lyme disease and raising awareness about tick-borne illnesses. My journey with Lyme disease began at the age of 4 when I was bitten by a tick behind my ear. That tiny bite would shape the course of my life in ways I couldn't have imagined.

Despite developing the telltale bullseye rash, I didn't receive adequate treatment at the time due to my young age and the treatment protocols of that era. As a result, I spent years battling unexplained health issues that left me feeling different from my peers and often isolated.

Throughout my early school years, I struggled with joint pain, brain fog, and fatigue. I couldn't keep up with other kids during activities, and teachers often noted my lack of focus in class. My friends couldn't understand what I was going through, and I felt increasingly alone. Countless visits to medical specialists yielded no answers, leaving me and my family frustrated and searching for explanations.

It wasn't until years later that a friend of my mother's suggested we look into Lyme disease. This advice changed my life. We sought out a Lyme-literate physician, and tests finally revealed the truth: I was positive for Lyme, Babesia, Bartonella, and Relapsing Fever. At last, I had a name for what I'd been experiencing all these years.

My first round of treatment targeting Babesia made a significant difference. Suddenly, I had more energy and could keep up during basketball games. More importantly, I had hope again. Having a diagnosis and treatment plan gave me an explanation for my struggles and the optimism that I could regain a sense of normalcy.

This experience showed me the critical importance of awareness, early diagnosis, and proper treatment for tick-borne diseases. It also highlighted the power of community support and shared knowledge. That's why I decided to start The Bitten Project – to pay forward the life-changing help my family received and to create the support system I wished I'd had during my years of uncertainty.

Our Mission: The Bitten Project focuses on two key areas that I believe are crucial for teens dealing with Lyme disease:

  1. Support Groups for Teens: We create safe, understanding spaces where young people fighting Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses can connect, share experiences, and support each other. I know firsthand how isolating these conditions can be, especially for teens who often feel misunderstood by their peers and even adults in their lives. Our groups provide a much-needed sense of community and belonging.

  2. Awareness and Education: We work tirelessly to spread information about tick-borne diseases, their symptoms, and the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. Our educational initiatives target teens, parents, educators, and healthcare providers. By improving understanding and recognition of these often-misdiagnosed conditions, we hope to prevent others from going through the years of uncertainty and struggle that I experienced.

Our Goals:

  • Empower teens with Lyme disease through peer support and shared experiences

  • Educate the public about the symptoms and impacts of tick-borne illnesses

  • Advocate for better recognition and treatment of Lyme disease in young people

  • Provide resources and information to help newly diagnosed teens and their families

  • Foster a community of understanding and support for those affected by tick-borne diseases

Through The Bitten Project, I share my story and the stories of other affected teens to give hope to those struggling with unexplained symptoms. We aim to guide them towards proper diagnosis and treatment, ensuring that no young person feels as alone as I once did in their fight against Lyme disease.

We're committed to creating a future where tick-borne illnesses are quickly recognized, effectively treated, and widely understood. I believe that by building a strong community and spreading awareness, we can make a real difference in the lives of teens affected by these challenging health conditions.

My personal experience has shown me the power of knowledge and community support in facing Lyme disease. Now, through The Bitten Project, I'm dedicated to extending that support to other young people who are on similar journeys. Whether you're a teen struggling with unexplained symptoms, someone recently diagnosed with a tick-borne illness, or a friend or family member looking to understand and support a loved one, The Bitten Project is here for you.

I invite you to join us in our mission. Together, we can support, educate, and empower teens affected by Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses. By sharing our stories, spreading awareness, and building a community of understanding, we can transform the landscape of tick-borne disease diagnosis and treatment for young people everywhere.

Remember, you are not alone in this fight. The Bitten Project is here to support you every step of the way.


How Climate Change is Making Things Worse: Lyme Edition